What is HL7?

HL7 is a set of international standards for exchanging healthcare information electronically. It specifies the format, semantics, and protocols for data transmission between two different healthcare systems. The Health Level Seven International group created the abbreviation HL7 in 1987 as a way to standardise the interchange of clinical data.

The goal of HL7 is to improve patient care by allowing different computer systems at health organizations to easily share information with each other. It does this by providing a common language for computers to use when exchanging messages about medical events and patient records. This allows medical professionals from different health organizations, such as hospitals, laboratories, and pharmacies, to quickly access important patient information from another source without having to manually enter the same data multiple times.

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The Evolution of HL7 V2 in Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare data management is evolving in the 21st century. A new strategy known as quick healthcare interoperability resources is gradually replacing the old language of healthcare, HL7 version 2 (V2) (FHIR). In this article, we will discuss how FHIR and HL7 V2 differ and what professionals must know for successful healthcare interoperability.

HL7 V2 was introduced in 1987 as a standardized messaging format for exchanging medical information between organizations. It is one of the oldest technologies for managing patient data, yet it can be difficult to implement due to its complexity and outdated nature. By contrast, FHIR offers an easier to use solution with more features that allow for greater flexibility when exchanging data among systems. It also uses modern web protocols such as HTTP/S and JSON which makes sharing data simpler than ever before.

What Is FHIR and How Does It Affect Healthcare?

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, or FHIR, is a cutting-edge healthcare data exchange protocol that is revolutionising the sharing of electronic medical records (EMRs) between healthcare stakeholders. Health Level Seven International (HL7), the same company that created the earlier HL7 Version 2 protocol, developed FHIR. Although secure data transport is possible with both protocols, there are several significant variations between them.

When it comes to healthcare interoperability, FHIR offers several advantages over its predecessor. Unlike HL7 Version 2, FHIR uses modern technology standards like RESTful APIs and JSON to make it easier for software developers to use and customize health information systems quickly. The protocol also supports bi-directional data exchange so that users can share both structured and unstructured clinical data with greater accuracy.

An Interoperable Future in Healthcare

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation, interoperability is becoming increasingly important. Interoperability is the ability for different software and systems to easily exchange data with one another. This allows for better patient care coordination, streamlined workflow processes and improved security for both patients and providers.

The two most popular standards used in healthcare are Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Health Level Seven Version 2 (HL7 v2). FHIR can be seen as an easier-to-use version of HL7 v2, providing a more modern approach to exchanging health information that leverages current web technologies such as RESTful APIs. It also offers advantages over HL7 v2 such as faster transmission speeds and simplified data structures.

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However, it’s important to note that both standards play a critical role in creating an interoperable future in healthcare.

The healthcare industry is facing a new challenge: interoperability. With the advent of new technologies, systems, and data formats, interoperability has become increasingly important for healthcare organizations to deliver effective care. As such, two standards have emerged to help promote interoperability in healthcare: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) and Health Level Seven version 2 (HL7v2).

FHIR provides an open source platform that allows clinicians to access patient data more quickly and accurately than ever before. It also supports the secure exchange of health information between different providers and organizations. On the other hand, HL7v2 is a comprehensive messaging standard that has been used in healthcare for many years. Its main purpose is to provide a framework for exchanging medical records between different systems or networks.


In conclusion, the healthcare sector uses two different kinds of data standards: FHIR and HL7 Version 2. Though FHIR is a newer technology, it has already made an impact due to its increased efficiency and readability. It might be argued that it offers a more understandable method of exchanging health data than HL7 Version 2. FHIR is based on modern technology such as web services, while HL7 Version 2 is more traditional, using EDI-like message formats.

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